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Upper School

(Grades 5-8)

At Marin Horizon, the Upper School years are a time of exploration and development, both academically, socially, and as a citizen of the world. It’s a time of extraordinary learning and growth. 


学生们在培养批判性思维技能的同时,也被鼓励在自我宣传和学术适应能力方面工作. 他们被鼓励在一个不断扩大的社区中庆祝差异并分享他们的观点.


Every morning, students gather in homeroom groups, grounding their experience with an advisor and a group of peers. 更长时间的咨询会议每周举行一次,并在更大的社区中创造归属感. 十大电子游艺网站以学生为主导的中学会议是一个聚会的时间,在感受共同点的同时,也庆祝学生演讲者的独特才能和兴趣.


Above all, 高中努力帮助学生掌握自己的教育,并以强烈的自我意识和对世界做出积极贡献的愿望毕业.


Ben Fussiner

Director, Upper School

Ben joined Marin Horizon in 2019. Prior to his arrival, he served in a number of school leadership roles 包括纽约朋友神学院的中学校长, Assistant Head of School at Turning Point in Los Angeles, 并担任洛杉矶怀尔德伍德小学的副校长. Ben began his career as a teacher, first at Foote School in New Haven, CT, and then at Wildwood School in Los Angeles.

Ben earned a B.S. 在南康涅狄格州立大学获得通识研究学位,并获得教育学学位.M. in Education from Harvard University. 

Program Highlights


From concrete thinking into the abstract. 

At the culmination of our program, 七年级和八年级的重点是发展从事抽象思维和综合分析复杂问题的能力. 学生建立在他们已经获得的研究技能的基础上,并将其应用于科学和人文学科的长期项目. 

Inquiry-based curriculum develops confident voices. 

The Upper School curriculum is inquiry-based, 和基本问题将贯穿学生的整个学习过程. 基于这些问题的主要项目,帮助学生成为熟练和自信的公众演讲者.

Differentiation supports learning styles.

All classes offer some level of differentiation, 这取决于课堂上学生的技能水平. 该课程旨在帮助学生在努力掌握内容的同时培养新技能.

Visual arts, music, and drama foster self-expression.


A project-based approach fosters deeper learning.

高中课程以项目为基础,注重综合实践学习. 跨学科整合课程也有很多接触点.

Mixed grade groupings expand collaborative learning. 

科学和社会研究课程在混合年级分组授课, 为更多的学生提供学术互动的机会,并提供更深层次的合作学习体验.


Social & Emotional Learning



在十大电子游艺网站,社交和情感学习是十大电子游艺网站学校结构的一部分. In addition to an academic focus, 十大电子游艺网站的教师和工作人员与学生合作-有意和主动-培养自我意识, self management, healthy relationships, and accountability to one another. 


十大电子游艺网站的教学团队订阅了响应课堂计划和恢复性司法实践,为这些人与人之间的互动创造了一个蓬勃发展的环境. In addition, 低年级和高年级的教学团队定期会面,讨论每个教室的情绪和节奏, as well as individual students, with the intent of providing support where needed, often in collaboration with families.   


“十大电子游艺网站优先考虑班级的规模和组成,并有意设计校园布局,为孩子们成长为了不起的年轻人创造条件!” says Anna Varnay-Truong, Director, Curriculum & Instruction.

Learning and thriving outside of the classroom.


十大电子游艺网站的户外/体验式教育计划是马林地平线体验的标志. We're located in the heart of Mill Valley, at the foot of Mount Tamalpais, surrounded by open spaces, trails, and towering redwoods. 学生们将在班级郊游中探索自然世界的奇观, day trips, and overnight adventures. 他们练习与野外空间安全互动的技能,并学习环境管理.


In addition, 选择加入的学生俱乐部允许参与学生领导, environmental stewardship, service learning, and more. 学校运动给感兴趣的学生一个参加运动队的机会.

More Program Highlights

高中课程无疑是一个全面的学术课程, 正如那些毕业后进入自己选择的高中的学生所证明的那样. 是什么让这个项目真正脱颖而出-当你观察学生的行动, beyond the classroom. 该课程是体验式的,学生在“体验”课程的过程中学习. They build catapults and Rube Goldberg models to learn Physics, 就学生在人文学科范围内的言论自由权等话题展开激烈辩论, or bring out their inner divas in Performing Arts. It is in these environments that one gets to see the knowledge, confidence, and articulation skills, 以及培养自信的声音如何让学生们为富有同情心的领导生活做好准备.


Catapult Launch

A tradition for 7th and 8th graders, 弹射器发射是他们学习牛顿运动定律的方式. Working in small teams, they design, construct, fail, 然后恢复——在这个奥林匹克式的比赛中争夺炫耀的权利, cheered on by the entire school. 




A 2-month exercise in Social Studies and Language Arts, students work to research a controversial topic relevant to them. They construct arguments for and against the motion, and debate it out with teams with opposing views. It's a spectacle, attended by the entire community. 

"I feel like a politician - can passionately debate either side."


Musical & Play

Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Wizard of Oz, or A Midsummer Night's Dream - students get to use their voice, with different accents, and have a blast doing it. Each year, 学校正在谈论一个没有人知道的具有如此舞台天赋的新星.


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Track Meets

The school may not have a track, 但当你看到高年级学生参加地区性比赛时,你就不会知道了. 体育和户外教育项目利用周围的自然小径来磨练他们的跑步技能, on road and on trails. 


Upper School Faculty

Student Voices

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