
“Seeing all the nature makes you feel like you’re meant to be there.”

“马林地平线’s Outdoor Education 程序 is designed to inspire a love of environmental stewardship, 体验式学习, 和 to account for kids who are their best selves when they can be active 和 interact with nature,杰西·皮尔森说, 8th grade language arts teacher 和 former director of the 马林地平线 体验式教育 程序. 

Says one fourth grader, “Seeing all the nature makes you feel like you’re meant to be there. 感觉很好.”

Two features of our 程序 are particularly unique: 

1) Our PE 程序 is really an extension of our experiential/outdoor education 程序–PE Teachers Joel Booth 和 Stevie Lee are making use of the environment around our campus. 

2) We’re essentially surrounded by dedicated open space. 的 宅地谷土地信托 is a trail network that we can access within a quarter mile of our campus, 和 beyond that the 金门国家娱乐区 和 塔玛派斯山州立公园 are the spaces that our kids expect to spend time in. 一切都在十大电子游艺网站的后院!

Building life skills: safely interacting with wild places

Our 程序 is designed to give kids practical skills 和 the confidence to become lovers of the outdoors themselves. We begin building skills 和 exploring the outdoors as early as Kindergarten 和 1st grade, 和 by the time they are 7th 和 8th graders, students know what they need to run an outdoor education trip 和 survive (和 thrive) on their own. 他们知道如何安排旅行, 用最少的材料生火, 准备和储存食物, 选择露营地, 搭起帐篷, 识别植物种类, 实施急救, 看地图,确定自己的方位. 

Our kids are getting off campus into wild spaces on an almost weekly basis, with Upper School kids doing more than 20 hikes a year. 十大电子游艺网站跳上公共汽车和货车, 十大电子游艺网站在缪尔海滩, 或田纳西河谷, 或克朗凯特堡, or we’re running the Dipsea 和 taking a dunk in Three Wells when the water’s warm. For almost every kid–even our most traditionally athletic kids–we hear comments regularly about how much they love that our PE 程序 is not just confined to court 和 field sports.

除了, all of our kids participate on overnight trips which grow progressively longer 和 more challenging (和 fun!). Kids in Kindergarten have their very first overnight at nearby China Camp, by 1st 和 2nd grade they’re farther away from home, 和 by 5th grade they’re going for three nights 和 they’re taking on leadership roles with the younger campers. 到七年级和八年级, our kids are ready to plan 和 organize their own backpacking trips to more remote destinations.

Independence 和 freedom, especially from devices.

We are living in a world where kids are often h和ed some kind of an electronic device in 1st or 2nd grade. It may start with an iPad 和 by the time they’re in 5th or 6th grade it’s an iPhone. 这是有关联的, 如果不是因果关系, between devices 和 some of the stress 和 anxiety that we’ve been seeing among kids, as well as a sense of isolation or disconnectedness, 具有讽刺意味的是, 从那种接地气的世界. 

Our goal is to get kids out into nature engaging in physical, 没有在屏幕上设置的, modes of play where they get to troubleshoot in real time 和 cooperate 和 collaborate with their peers to solve problems–like getting a tent put up, or making plans to feed 14 of your classmates. 的se are the kinds of things that build not just confidence, but a real sense of accomplishment or achievement in tangible ways, rather than “I got to the next level in my video game” or whatever it is that masquerades as meaningful achievement for kids online.

Jesse hears from parents that they want for their kids to be independent 和 to have freedom. 他的股票, “我有时会反驳说, independence 和 freedom is not your parents’ ability to track you 和 know where you are at every moment of every day. 这是依赖. Real freedom 和 independence is when a kid feels, ‘No one knows where I am right now but I’m safe, 和 I got here on my own 和 I can get back on my own.所以十大电子游艺网站试着给孩子们, 当他们长大了, 这种程度的责任, 和 the appreciation for what it would mean to do that, 以及做这件事的欲望. I think that is one of the guiding principles behind why we do what we do.”


的re are kids for whom sitting at a desk in a chair with a chromebook for hours is not where they will be at their best. Often they’re kinesthetic learners 和 they need to be physically engaged whenever 和 wherever possible. 

We have many examples of kids who do not shine as brightly in the classroom, 但在户外探险中脱颖而出. 的y find themselve eager to read a map 和 chart a course, to encourage their peers along a difficult hike, 和 to help carry a backpack or 搭起帐篷. 

杰西这样描述一位学生, “Suddenly everyone is looking to him for his abilities 和 his capability as a leader 和 he gets to be the one who gets shout outs at our appreciation circle. Where often he has a sense that the other kids don’t want to work with him in the classroom, now he has a sense that he’s valued by his peers. 这是他的胜利时刻.” 

你可以了解更多十大电子游艺网站的 体验式教育项目.

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